Nighthawk - a journey back

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Compiling Nighthawk
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Original author
A copy of Jason Nunn's
last Nighthawk page

Other related pages
Birth of a Paradroid

Making nighthawk

And nighthawk_ned too

First, get the tarball, or check the code out using git. I'll be assuming a tarball in these instructions, but they don't differ much for the git version. You will of course need a compiler, make and other relevant tools.

Make sure you've got the prerequisites to build, usually the -dev or -devel versions of the following items:

GLU libglu-dev libglu-devel
Vorbis/VorbisFile libvorbis-dev libvorbis-devel
libpng libpng-dev libpng-devel
OpenAL libopenal1-dev openal-soft-devel

You will need to configure using ccmake after extraction of the tarball to a source directory.

    user@machine:~ $ mkdir src; cd src
    user@machine:src/ $  tar xvf ~/Downloads/nighthawk-4.0alpha.tar.gz
    ...  (files extracted to current directory)
    user@machine:src $ cd nighthawk-4.0
    user@machine:nighthawk-4.0 $ mkdir build
    user@machine:build $ cmake ../

If you also want the editor, you'll want to do one additional step. Run the following command, also in the build directory:

    user@machine:build $ ccmake .

  1. Toggle BUILD_NED from OFF to ON by hitting Enter.
  2. Hit c (configure)
  3. then escape with e.
  4. Hit g, which will apply the changes.
Now onto the compiling!

Then go and recompile the code. A simple "make" will do this. Take special note of the eventual creation of a binary called "nighthawk_ned". You'll need this to actually edit levels later. Make sure you run "sudo make install" to actually make use of the editor, although this can be used as is, as long as you have a place to put your levels already.



Okay - news has shifted to here - get the news until I find a better place for it. The other place to look is the sourceforge news.


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